Wellsmere Collies

Wellsmere Collies

As I sit here, my thoughts and prayers are with you as we continue in these unusual times.  My hope is that those you encounter in the next weeks respect the seriousness of our times and have modified their lives to not only protect themselves but others as well.

That said, I suspect that the people that subscribe to this newsletter have or hope for a collie in their lives.  How lucky are we to be surrounded by these wonderful amazing creatures who have such empathy, compassion  and love.

We at Wellsmere Collies are luckier than most in that our isolation will be filled with the extra love of 2 litters which are expected in the next 10 days.

Jazzy and Galahad are expecting 3/31.  This litter will be all roughs in blue and tri colors.

Sheena and Galahad are expecting 4/4.  This litter will contain rough and smooths, sables, tri's, blue's and sable merle's.

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